General Overviews
- The Persistent Paradox of Psychic Phenomena: An Engineering Perspective (1982). Proceedings IEEE, 70, No.2, pp.136-170.
- Engineering Anomalies Research (1987). J. Scientific Exploration, 1, No.1, pp.21- 50.
- The Complementarity of Consciousness (1991). Tech. Report 91006, December 1991 (13 pages). [Published in modified form in K.R. Rao, ed., Cultivating Consciousness for Enhancing Human Potential, Wellness, and Healing. (Westport, CT and London: Praeger, 1993) pp. 111-121.]
- Consciousness and Anomalous Physical Phenomena (1995). PEAR Technical Note 95004, May 1995 (32 pages).
- The PEAR Proposition (2005). J. Scientific Exploration, 19, No.2, pp.195-246.
- Endophysical Models Based on Empirical Data (2005). R. Buccheri, A. Elitzur, M. Saniga, eds., Endophysics, Time, Quantum and the Subjective: Proceedings of the ZiF Interdisciplinary Research Workshop, Bielefeld, Germany, 17-22 January 2005. (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2005) pp.81-102.
- Consciousness, Information, and Living Systems (2005). Cellular & Molecular Biology, 51, pp.703-714.
Human/Machine Experiments
- Operator-Related Anomalies in a Random Mechanical Cascade (1988). J. Scientific Exploration, 2, No.2, pp.155-179.*
- Random Event Generator Qualification, Calibration, and Analysis. Tech. Report 89001, April 1989 (46 pages).
- Count Population Profiles in Engineering Anomalies Experiments (1991). J. Scientific Exploration, 5, No.2, pp.205-232.
- Radin, D. I., and Nelson, R. D. (1989). Evidence for consciousness-related anomalies in random physical systems. Foundations of Physics, Vol.19, No.12, pp.1499-1514.
- Co-Operator Experiments with an REG Device (1991). Tech. Report PEAR 91005, December 1991 (23 pages). [Published in modified form in K.R. Rao, ed., Cultivating Consciousness for Enhancing Human Potential, Wellness, and Healing. (Westport, CT and London: Praeger, 1993) pp.149-163.]
- Experiments in Remote Human/Machine Interaction (1992). J. Scientific Exploration, 6, No.4, pp.311-332.
- Series Position Effects in Random Event Generator Experiments (1994). J. Scientific Exploration, 8, No.2, pp.197-215.*
- A Linear Pendulum Experiment: Effects of Operator Intention on Damping Rate (1994). J. Scientific Exploration, 8, No.4, pp.471-489.*
- Correlations of Random Binary Sequences with Pre-Stated Operator Intention: A Review of a 12-Year Program (1997). J. Scientific Exploration, 11, No.3, pp.345-367.*
- Gender Differences in Human/Machine Anomalies (1998). J. Scientific Exploration, 12, No.1, pp.3-55.*
- Construction and Use of Random Event Generators in Human/Machine Anomalies Experiments (1998). Tech. Note 98002, June 1998 (10 pages).
- A Double-Slit Diffraction Experiment to Investigate Claims of Consciousness-Related Anomalies (1998). J. Scientific Exploration, 12, No.4, pp.543-550.*
- ArtREG: A Random Event Experiment Utilizing Picture-Preference Feedback (2000). J. Scientific Exploration, 14, No.3, pp.383-409.*
- Mind/Machine Interaction Consortium: PortREG Replication Experiments (2000). J. Scientific Exploration, 14, No.4, pp.499-555.*
- The MegaREG Experiment: Replication and Interpretation (2004). J. Scientific Exploration, 18, No.3, pp.369–397.*
- Exploring the Possible Effects of Johrei Techniques on the Behavior of Random Physical Systems (2006). Tech. Report 2006. 01, January 2006 (30 pages).
Remote Perception
- Precognitive Remote Viewing in the Chicago Area: A Replication of the Stanford Experiment (1979). J. Parapsychology, 43, pp.17-30.
- Precognitive Remote Perception (1983). Tech. Report 83003, August 1983 (81 pages).
- Precognitive Remote Perception, III: Complete Binary Database with Analytical Refinements (1989). Tech. Report 89002, August 1989 (102 pages).
- Response to Hansen, Utts, and Markwick: Statistical and Methodological Problems of the PEAR Remote Viewing (sic) Experiments (1992). J. Parapsychology, 56, No.2, pp.115-146.
- Precognitive Remote Perception: Replication of Remote Viewing (1996). J. Scientific Exploration, 10, No.1, pp.109-110.
- Information and Uncertainty in Remote Perception Research (2003). Journal of Scientific Exploration, 17, No.2, pp.207-241.*
- FieldREG Anomalies in Group Situations (1996). J. Scientific Exploration, 10, No.1, pp.111-141.*
- FieldREG Measurements in Egypt: Resonant Consciousness at Sacred Sites (1997). Tech. Note 97002, July 1997 (36 pages).
- FieldREGII: Consciousness Field Effects: Replications and Explorations (1998). J. Scientific Exploration, 12, No.3, pp.425-454.*
Theoretical Models and Analytical Methodology
- On the Quantum Mechanics of Consciousness, With Application to Anomalous Phenomena (1986). Foundations of Physics, 16, No.8, pp.721-772.* (An Appendix (in the form of a Tech. Note) is also available which contains a collection of relevant quotations by many of the patriarchs of modern physics.)
- Physical Aspects of Psychic Phenomena (1988). Physics Bulletin, 39, pp.235-236.
- Evidence for Consciousness-Related Anomalies in Random Physical Systems (1989). Foundations of Physics, 19, No.12, pp.1499-1514.*
- On the Bayesian Analysis of REG Data (1992). J. Scientific Exploration, 6, No.1, pp.23-45.
- Effect Size per Hour: A Natural Unit for Interpreting Anomalies Experiments (1994). Tech. Note 94003, September 1994 (34 pages).
- Selection Versus Influence Revisited: New Method and Conclusions (1996). J. Scientific Exploration, 10, No.2, pp.253-267.
- Combination of Results from Multiple Experiments (1997). Tech. Note 97008, October 1997 (15 pages).
- Empirical Evidence Against Decision Augmentation Theory (1998). J. Scientific Exploration, 12, No.2, pp.231-257.*
- Evidence That Anomalous Statistical Influence Depends on the Details of the Random Process (1998). J. Scientific Exploration, 12, No.3, pp.407-423.*
- Contributions to Variance in REG Experiments: ANOVA Models and Specialized Subsidiary Analyses (2000). J. Scientific Exploration, 14, No.1, pp.73-89.*
- Overview of Several Theoretical Models of PEAR Data (2000). J. Scientific Exploration, 14, No.2, pp.163-194.
- A Modular Model of Mind/Matter Manifestations (M5) (2001). J. Scientific Exploration, 15, No.3, pp.299-329.*
- M*: Vector Representation of the Subliminal Seed Regime of M5 (2002). J. Scientific Exploration, 16, No.3, pp.341-357.*
- Statistical Consequences of Data Selection (2003). Tech. Note 2003. 02, April 2003 (18 pages).
- Problems of Reproducibility in Complex Mind-Matter Systems (2003). J. Scientific Exploration, 17, No.2, pp.243-270.*
- Sensors, Filters, and the Source of Reality (2004). J. Scientific Exploration, 18, No.4, pp.547–570.
Philosophical Perspectives and Cross-Disciplinary Considerations
- Anomalies: Analysis and Aesthetics (1989). J. Scientific Exploration, 3, No.1, pp.15-26, 1989.
- Acoustical Resonances of Assorted Ancient Structures (1995). PEAR Tech Report #95002, ICRL Tech Report #95.1, March 1995. (Also published as "Acoustical Resonances of Assorted Ancient Structures." J. Acoustical Society of America, 99, No. 2, pp. 649-658, 1996, and as "Preliminary Investigations and Cognitive Considerations of the Acoustical Resonances of Selected Archaeological Sites," Antiquity, 70, No. 268, pp. 665-666, 1996.)
- Information, Consciousness, and Health (1996). Alternative Therapies, 2, No. 3, pp. 32-38.
- Toward a Philosophy of Science in Women's Health Research (1996). J. Scientific Exploration, 10, No. 4, pp. 535-545.
- The Subterranean Chamber of the Pyramid of Khufu: A Ritual Map of Ancient Egypt? (1997. Tech. Note 98001, February 1997 (20 pages).
- Wishing for Good Weather: A Natural Experiment in Group Consciousness (1997). J. Scientific Exploration, 11, No. 1, pp. 47-58.*
- Subjectivity and Intuition in the Scientific Method (1997). (Reprint from Intuition: The Inside Story, R. Davis-Floyd and P. Sven Arvidson, eds., New York and London: Routledge, 1997, pp. 121-128).
- Science of the Subjective (1997). J. Scientific Exploration, 11, No. 2, pp. 201-224.*
- The Physical Basis of Intentional Healing Systems (1999). Tech. Note 99001, January 1999 (28 pages).
- Deviations from Physical Randomness Due to Human Agent Intention? (1999). Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 10, No. 6, pp. 935-952.
- The Case for Inertia as a Vacuum Effect: A Reply to Woodward and Mahood (2000). Foundations of Physics, 30, No. 1,pp. 59-80.
- Inertial Mass and the Quantum Vacuum Fields (2001). Ann. Physics, 10, 5, pp.393-414.
- 20th and 21st Century Science: Reflections and Projections (2001). J. Scientific Exploration, 15, No. 1, pp. 21-31.
- The Challenge of Consciousness (2001). J. Scientific Exploration, 15, No. 4, pp. 443-457.